iaedp Events

How to Address Exercise in Eating Disorder Recovery
September 13, 2023 9am-10:30
Eighty one percent of patients in eating disorder treatment engage in disordered exercise. Exercise can be one of the first behaviors to present and last to leave in an eating disorder.
Traditional treatment models used avoidance to address this issue, or a single group yoga class, which is not helpful for developing a healthy relationship with exercise. Many exercise presentations in the eating disorder space present the scientific reasons exercise in treatment is important; however, not many discuss how to start doing so.
In this presentation Adrianne and Emily will be focusing on the importance of assessing all ED patients for exercise behavior, identifying the specific ways exercise can be enmeshed in the eating disorder and helping to support patients navigate this piece of recovery effectively.

Get to Know Our Presenters

Adrianne DeRosa C.S.C.S., Exercise Psychologist
Adrianne has been “living her best life” working in the exercise field for the past 15 years. After graduating with a degree in Exercise Science, some of her experience includes teaching as an adjunct professor at Longwood University, Fitness Director at NASA Langley and teaching Pilates on the apparatuses in boutique Pilates studios.
Adrianne has continued education in the exercise field obtaining a number of certifications: Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
(CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist 2.0, Fully certified STOTT Pilates instructor including injuries and special populations, 200-hour yoga teacher, CORE BARRE instructor, TRX, Zenga and YOGABODY Trapeze instructor. In the exercise field, biomechanics is her “jam” and helping patients in the eating disorder space is her passion.
She began studying exercise in eating disorders originally while in school. At that time, she was frustrated that treatment centers were only using avoidance to address exercise in eating disorders. Finally, a little over 5 years ago, Montecatini Eating Disorder Treatment Center built a Wellness Center to provide an atmosphere where all eating disorder patients, not just competing athletes, could honor their
bodies, challenge dysfunctional exercise, and discover joyful movement.
Adrianne has developed and grown the wellness department over the past 5 years to facilitate a healthy relationship with exercise within eating disorder recovery.
Emily received her Bachelor’s in Kinesiology and a minor in Psychology from CSU Monterey Bay moving on to earn her Master’s in Exercise Science at Point Loma Nazarene. She mainly focused on incorporating healthy movement and exercise for older and special populations, interning in several cardiac rehabilitation facilities in California designed to use exercise as medicine in order to improve functionality, health, and quality of life.
She takes the same approach with eating disorder patients, using motivational interviewing and her passion for joyful movement to encourage patients to find what exercise modality inspires confidence, health, and happiness as opposed to using exercise as a means to an end.
She advocates for health at every size and that physical fitness cannot be judged by body type or appearance. She is currently working at Montecatini Eating Disorder Treatment Center and the Scripps Executive Health Clinic and is ACSM certified as Clinical Exercise Physiologist.
In her free time, Emily enjoys rock climbing, surfing, yoga, reading mystery novels and trying new restaurants with friends.
Emily Foote, Exercise Psychologist
Good Samaritan Episcopal Church
4321 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121
September 13, 2023 at 9-10:30a
Pre-registered: $25
At the door: $30
iaedp members: $5 discount
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